Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Bastion v1.0r12 multi5

Bastion v1.0r12 multi5 cracked READ NFO-THETA

Bastion v1.0r12 multi5 cracked READ NFO-THETA

Date: 17-08-2011
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Supergiant Games
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG
Protection: Steam
Release: Cracked by Ignite

Bastion is an action role-playing experience that redefines storytelling in games, with a reactive narrator who marks your every move. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces. Wield a huge arsenal of upgradeable weapons and battle savage beasts adapted to their new habitat. Finish the main story to unlock the New Game Plus mode and continue your journey!

  • Stunning hand-painted artwork in full 1080p resolution
  • Critically-acclaimed original music score
  • Hours of reactive narration delivers a deep story
  • Action-packed combat rewards playing with finesse
  • Controls custom-tailored to PC plus gamepad support
  • 10+ unique upgradeable weapons to be used
  • 6 powerful Bastion structures to be discovered
  • ‘New Game Plus’ mode unlocked after finishing the story
Watch Trailer
Free Download Film 
Movie Gratis
Total Size 751MB (4 Parts)
Download HERE --> Tinypaste
sumber ganool.com

A Bootable USB For Windows OS

Saya yakin, sebagian sobat blogger mungkin udah nggak asing lagi dengan software utilities yang satu ini. Software ini bernama A Bootable USB For Windows. Apa fungsi dari tool A Bootable USB For Windows ini???

Mungkin dari namanya aja udah ada yang bisa menebak, fungsi dari tool A Bootable USB For Windows ini. A Bootable USB For Windows merupakan sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk membantu sobat blogger melakukan instalasi melalui media USB. Jika biasanya sobat blogger melakukan instalasi melalui media DVD/CD, mungkin diantara sobat blogger ada yang berniat untuk mencoba intalasi melalui USB?? Tool ini lah jawaban nya.

Cara menggunakan nya pun terbilang sangat mudah, saya yakin anda akan langsung paham dengan menu-menu yang ada di A Bootable USB For Windows.

Take note A Bootable USB :
  • Only supports Windows Vista/2008/7 installs;
  • Only supports USB/flash drives larger than 4 GB;
  • Officially works only on Windows Vista/2008/7 (the OS you create your bootable USB on not the one you are trying to install);
  • Can be installed or used as a portable application.
Download A Bootable USB For Windows Now

sumber remo xp

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Norton 2010 + Keygen

1. Disable dulu service Norton Trial Resetter

2. Matiin Tamper Protection dan Auto-Protect

3. Install TR

4. Re-enable Tamper Protection & Auto-Protect

-- Finished ---

Download NTR 2.96 buat keygen norton 2010
Pass : nortonfansclub

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

IDM 6.7 Build 8

IDM 6.7 Build 8
Internet Download Manager a download accelerator that features intelligent with a convenient and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators. Internet Download Manager to download files dynamically during download process. By using this we can achieve a maximum speed of downloading files.
Password Link

Kumpulan Crack, Keygen, Patch

Kumpulan Crack, Keygen, Patch
Kumpulan Crack, Keygen, Patch

Bila sobat ingin mencari Crack, Keygen, Patch silahkan dicari disini saya akan memberikan yang terbaik untuk sobat semua dengan meng-update jamu yang dibutuhkan. Jika sobat tidak menemukan yang dibutuhkan sobat bisa langsung request Crack, Keygen, Patch dengan memberikan komentar dibawah. Mudah-mudahan saya bisa memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita semua :)

All Password

DAEMON Tools Lite 4.35.5

DAEMON Tools merupakakan sebuah tools yang dapat menciptakan sebuah virtual drive di komputer anda. Vitual drive atau bisa juga disk image ini nantinya dapat di fungsikan untuk membackup data-data CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray discs. Selain untuk membackup, dengan daemon tool kita juga bisa membuka file-file image seperti *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.cue, *.nrg, *.pdi, *.isz dll. Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah menulis tentang peta megapolitan kan?? Nah,, sobat blogger bisa menggunakan daemon tools ini untuk membukanya.
  1. Emulate virtual CD/DVD-ROM/HD DVD and Blu-ray drives
  2. DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] enables you to emulate up to 4 CD/DVD virtual drives on your PC. Virtual drives will appear in your OS just like real ones. Select a virtual drive then choose a disc image you want to mount. Find the created virtual drive with mounted disc image in My Computer. Start working! Looks like working with a real drive and a real disc, doesn't it? Yes, but it is much faster!
  3. Create a disc image
  4. With DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] you can create ISO and MDS image files from original discs inserted in physical CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives. Or use images you have created earlier with other program. DAEMON Tools products work with variety of image types.
Key features :
  • creates *.iso and *.mds images;
  • emulates up to 4 virtual CD/DVD drives;
  • performs image mounting and unmounting;
  • supports *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.cue, *.nrg, *.pdi, *.isz;
  • offers powerful command line interface.

Whtas New

  • SPTD 1.62;
  • Full Windows 7 support;
  • Windows Sidebar gadget for easy accessing of general DAEMON Tools Lite features;
  • DAEMON Tools Lite Panel was removed;
  • GUI redesign and improvement;
  • No need in “Run as Administrator” option for the first DAEMON Tools Lite start;
  • Revised License pages in Setup;
  • Languages updates.

Bugs fixed:

  1. Problem with image mounting from RAID volumes larger than 2 Tb;
  2. Some issues with opening image file on mounting;
  3. Showing Wait Dialog in command line mode;
  4. Inability to mount *.mdf image without *.mds file;
  5. Problem with SPTD installation from DAEMON Tools Lite setup in silent mode;
  6. Some minor bugs.

File size : 8.74MB (9,161,776 bytes)
Requirements : Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64

Sekarang sudah ada versi DAEMON Tools Lite 4.40.2, silahkan di download disini.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Roxio 3D Photo Creator Multilingual Incl.Keymaker-CORE

Edit Koleksi Fotomu Menjadi Efek 3D dengan Roxio 3D Photo Creator Multilingual Incl.Keymaker-CORE

Membuat gambar 3D yang menakjubkan bahkan dari foto yang diambil dengan kamera standar.  Atau mengubah foto 2D kamu menjadi 3D karya seni.  Menggunakan Roxios 3D Photo Creator kamu dapat mengubah foto tunggal 2D menjadi gambar 3D atau, untuk hasil yang lebih dramatis, menggabungkan dua 2D foto yang diambil dari adegan tunggal dan mengubahnya menjadi satu gambar 3D menakjubkan.  Lihat kreasi 3D  pada PC kamu.

Roxio Photo 3D Creator memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah membuat foto 3D dari berbagai sumber:
* Setiap foto digital 2D
* Foto digital dari suatu tempat atau objek
* 3D MPO file dari Fujifilm Finepix REAL 3D W1
Persyaratan Sistem Minimum:
* Microsoft Windows 7 Home premium, Professional atau Ultimate (32 – atau 64-bit), Microsoft windows Vista SP2 (32 – atau 64-bit), Windows XP SP3 (32 – atau 64-bit)
* Intel Pentium 4 1.6GHz prosesor atau AMD setara, RAM 512 MB untuk windows XP dan RAM 1GB untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7
* 1024×768 DirectX 9.0c kartu grafis yang kompatibel dengan minimal warna 16-bit setting
* Image Format yang didukung: MPO, JPS, sisi = oleh-sisi dan atas-bawah JPG, PNG, dan BMP

Roxio 3D Photo Creator Incl.Keymaker-CORE (64,0 Mb)

sumber satu hati

Smadav 2011 Rev 8.6 Pro Full

Remo-XP.com - Baru bangun terus nyalain laptop ada kejadian yang tidak biasa, yakni ada notifikasi update smadav, ternyata smadav sudah merilis versi terbarunya, yakni Smadav 2011 Rev 8.6. Kira-kira ada pembaharuan apa aja yah di versi ini??

Menurut informasi yang saya kutip dari smadav.net, di versi ini ada sedikit penambahan beberapa database virus, berikut lengkapnya : "Penambahan database 100 virus baru, Penyempurnaan fitur Smadav-Updater, Pendeteksian khusus untuk virus Ramnit, Sality, & OneLetter yang menyebar via USB Flash Disk, dsb."
Oiya, di versi Smadav 8.6 ini menurut saya ada yang sedikit aneh, biasanya jika di versi sebelumnya jika kita update otomatis, maka selesai update smadav kita menjadi hitam (ketahuan bajakan) tapi kalai ini tidak?? Smadav saya masih berwarna hijau terang. Heheheh

Untuk menjadikan smadav pro, cara yang digunakan kurang lebih sama dengan versi sebelumnya. Jadi saya silahkan di coba sendiri.

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Smadav 2011 Rev 8.6

Untuk merubahnya ke pro smadav silakan masukan keynya sebagai berikut

NAME XP-ZONEKEY 991399024854

kalau gagal lagi...
coba keygen satu ini
keygen smadav pro


sumber remo xp

Download Manga Downloader 2.6.6 Full Serial

Manga downloader?? pasti sobat blogger udah pada tau kan aplikasi apa ini?? Apalagi sekarang lagi zaman nya Naruto, jadi saya yakin sobat blogger udah paham banged sama aplikasi yang satu ini. Selengkapnya, cekidot,,,

Ini tampilan nya sob :

Manga Downloader adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk mendownload manga (komik), tanpa kita perlu mengunjungi situs penyedia manga nya. Aplikasi manga downloader ini sudah support dengan situs penyedia manga bahasa indoneisa loh sob, jadi kalau sobat blogger nggak ngerti dengan bahasa inggris, bahasa indonesia bisa menjadi pilihan yang baik, atau mungkin yang terbaik?? Hehehe

Situs yang di support sama Manga Downloader ini :
  1. One Manga
  2. Manga Toshokan
  3. AnimeA
  4. MangaFox
  5. MangaShroom (bhs. indonesia)
Bagaimana??? Langsung download aja sob, gratis ini. Heheh

NB : Software Manga downloader 2.66 ini sudah saya uji coba, dan berhasil dengan baik sewaktu mendownload manga dari one manga.

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Manga Downloader 2.6.6 Full Serial

sumber remo xp

Win To Flash Free | Instal Windows Dari Flashdisk

Bila beberapa waktu yang lalu saya sudah pernah share tool buat instal windows 7 dari flashdisk, kini saya akan share tool sejenis, yakni Win To Flash. Tool ini bisa buat instal windows (hampir semua windows) dari flashdisk. Kini instal windows pun menjadi lebih mudah. Penasaran??

Dengan menggunakan software Win To Flash ini, sobat blogger dapat menginstal windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 (tidak support windows 2000) via USB Flashdisk. Cara menggunakan nya pun cukup mudah, saya yakin anda langsung paham bila melihat menu-menu yang ada. Maaf yah sob, nggak sempet saya jelaskan disini, lagi UAS soalnya. Okeiii

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Win To Flash Free (portable, tidak perlu di instal)

sumber remo xp

Menghilangkan Pesan “Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software” window xp

Anda tahu pesan tersebut???
Pesan tersebut ada saat kita log on di windows kita. Secara tidak langsung, pesan tersebut mengganggu mata kita saat berkomputer ria, bahkan berinternetria..
Tapi tenang saja, ada solusi untuk menghilangkan pesan tersebut untuk selama-lamanya..
Ikutin step-by stepnya,,
Login sebagai administrator
Cari file bernama WgaLogon.dll dan WgaTray.exe menjadi *.old3. Nah, untuk pencarian cepat, pakai fitur ’search’ dan cari di partisi atau folder instalasi Windows
Pakai bantuan software pihak ketiga (WGA Remover), silakan download disini.
Ganti aja windows anda dengan yang original..
Pasti tuntas.


Tips Menghilangkan Pesan Windows Is Not Genuine Di Windows 7

genuine logo

Sebenarnya saya sudah lama sekali ingin share Tips Menghilangkan Pesan Windows Is Not Genuine Di Windows 7 ini, tapi bingung juga soalnya nggak ada komputer yang bersedia di jadikan korban. Sampai ada teman datang ke rumah katanya windows nya jadi aneh, pas saya lihat ternyata seperti yang di harapkan, windows nya terkena sidak dari microsoft (akhirnyaaa, senang di atas penderitaan orang lain,, haha).

Okeiii, langsung aja kita mulai Tips Menghilangkan Pesan Windows Is Not Genuine Di Windows 7 nya. Disini saya menggunakan tool yang bernama WGA Remover Chew v0.9.

Tampilan windows 7 yang terkena sidak bajakan microsoft (layar desktop menjadi hitam).
windows is not genuine
  1. Download tool WGA Remover Chew v0.9.
  2. Klik apply untuk memulai proses.
  3. wga remover
  4. Tunggu hingga keluar pesan instal sukses
  5. Restart (otomatis)
  6. Selesai
Hasilnya :
desktopBagaimana??? Semoga artikel ini membantu sobat blogger yang mengalami permasalahan seperti ini.

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download WGA Remover Chew v0.9

sumber remo xp

Software Unlock Kode Keamanan HP

Software Unlock Kode Keamanan HP

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share software untuk unlock kode keamanan HP, yakni World Unlock Codes Calculator v4.4. Buat yang hp nya terkunci karena lupa kode keamanan nya, coba aja gunakan tool ini.

World Unlock Codes Calculator v4.4 ini merupakan sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk mengunlock kode keamanan hp, bila kita lupa dengan kode keamanan nya dengan menggunakan no IMEI hp anda. Untuk mengetahui no IMEI hp anda, ketik " *#06# " (tanpa tanda kutip).

WorldUnlock Codes Calculator support :
  1. Unlock Nokia
  2. Unlock LG
  3. Unlock Panasonic
  4. Unlock Maxon
  5. Unlock Samsung
  6. Unlock AEG/Telital
  7. Unlock Alcatel
  8. Unlock Siemens
  9. Unlock Sony
  10. Unlock Vitel
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Software Unlock Kode Keamanan HP

sumber remo xp

Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng)

Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire

Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire
Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) | 2.42 Gb

PC Game | 3D, Simulator, Straight, Romantic | Language: Eng/Jap

It is widely known among a small game developer Illusion, a little earlier distinguished piercing Sexy Beach 3 and SchoolMate, will revolutionize a genre of February 19, 2010 - that then happen to release Real Kanojo (Real Girlfriend)

Year: 2010
Censorship: Not at a patch to remove
Developer: Illusion Software
Platform: PC / Windows
Publication Type: Original (Genuine)
Tabletka: Not required
Type of translation: the text and sound in this language (original)
Language: Japanese / English


Tolong dibaca Sobat !

Anda sedang melihat Game Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire dan Anda bisa menemukan game Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire ini dengan url http://isalgames.blogspot.com/2011/05/real-girlfriend-privilege-disk-pc-2010.html, Anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika games Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire ini sangat bermanfaat bagi Anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link Real Girlfriend Privilege Disk (PC-2010-Eng) - Mediafire sebagai sumbernya. Terima Kasih.

Hacker Evolution Untold | Game Simulasi Hacker

Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan share game serupa yang bernama Hacker Evolution Untold.
Hacker Evolution Untold
Hacker Evolution Untold

Selamat bermain,,
Download Hacker Evolution Untold

pass rar : dytoshare


Game Supercow Full Version

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share game yang dapat menemani sobat blogger di kala santai atau sedang jenuh, game ini bernama Supercow dari Big Fish Games.

System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • CPU: 600 Mhz
  • RAM: 128 MB
  • DirectX: 6.0
  • Hard Drive: 78 MB
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Game Supercow Full Version

sumber remo xp

Game Breath Of Fire 4 For PC

Breath Of Fire 4, ada yang masih ingat dengan game play station 1 ini?? Breath Of Fire salah satu game favorite saya ni sob, sampe berkali-kali kalau nggak salah saya tamatin game ini. Tapi pake game shark sih,, hehehe. Bagaimana dengan sobat blogger?? pernah memainkannya juga?? atau sudah pernah memainkan nya dan ingin bernostalgia?? kalau gitu, langsung aja kita cek bersama-sama. Cekidot,,

Breath Of Fire IV adalah permainan peran yang dikembangkan oleh Capcom dan merupakan permainan keempat dari serial permainan 'Breath of Fire. Permainan ini dirilis untuk Sony PlayStation di Jepang dan Amerika Utara tahun 2000, dan di wilayah PAL tahun 2001. (saya kutip dari wikipedia, hehe)

Info :

  • No installation required. You just download, click the exe, and play.
  • NoCD Crack already added.
  • Completely portable! Saves a 54kb folder which only has a config file for your settings and your saved game. It's great if you don't like clutter on your PC.
  • Both XP and Vista compatible. Run as Administrator on Vista.
  • Around 100mb smaller than the installed version. It's not much of a reduce in size, but it's still smaller.

Bagaiamana?? berminat??

NB : Game sudah saya coba, dan 100% berjalan dengan baik, tanpa memerlukan instalasi. (portable)

Download Game Breath Of Fire 4 For PC (Part 1)
Download Game Breath Of Fire 4 For PC (Part 2)

sumber remo xp

Fishing Craze Full Version

Lagi nyari game mancing?? Mungkin sobat blogger bisa mencoba game mancing yang satu ini. Fishing Craze adalah game mancing yang cocok di mainkan oleh siapa saja.

Fishing Craze memang bukan game mancing sesungguhnya, game ini lebih mengarah ke game mancing anak-anak karena mudah dimainkan dan memiliki tampilan yang fresh, tapi orang dewasa juga bisa ikut memainkan nya loh, hehehe.
Fishing Craze Full Version
Fishing Craze Full Version

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Fishing Craze Full Version

sumber remo xp

Game Virtual Villagers 5 - New Believers Full

Buat sobat blogger yang suka memiankan game game strategy mungkin bisa mencoba game yang satu ini, yakni Virtual Villagers 5 - New Believers Full.

 Virtual Villagers 5
 Virtual Villagers 5
Features :
  • Visit the center of the Island of Isola.
  • Masked heathens that need to be shown the light.
  • Mysterious heathen Totems to be dismantled.
  • Many God Powers to impress your villagers and the heathens!
  • New puzzles, new collectibles, new Island Events!
  • Dozens of achievements for players to accomplish.
  • Real-time weather! Clouds, fog, and sudden downpours
  • Real-time gameplay: new surprises every time you turn the game on!
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Game Virtual Villagers 5 - New Believers Full

sumber remo xp

Game Fruit Ninja HD v1.6.1 Full Cracked

 Malam ini saya akan share game simple tapi menarik dan seru untuk dimainkan seperti game Angry Birds, yakni Game Fruit Ninja HD v1.6.1 Full Cracked. Ada yang udah tau gamenya?? Kalau belum, Cek aja dahhh,,,

Di Game Fruit Ninja HD ini gamer harus bisa memotong setiap buah-buahan yang keluar, jangan sampai ada yang lolos satu pun dan hati-hati jangan sampai memotong bomb. Cara memotongnya, gamer cukup tekan klik kiri, kemudian sabet (seperti drag) ke arah buah-buah yang bermunculan.
Fruit Ninja HD
Fruit Ninja HD
System requirements:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7
  • 1 GHz
  • 512 MB RAM
File Game Fruit Ninja HD v1.6.1 Full Cracked ini saya pecah menjadi 4 bagian, download semua file nya, kemudian gabungkan (join) keempat file yang sudah di download menggunakan Aplikasi File Splitter & Joiner.

Download Game Fruit Ninja HD v1.6.1 Full Cracked :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

UNetbootin tuk create bootable live usb

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads


 » Installation & Screenshots

Packages: Ubuntu Debian Fedora Suse Arch Gentoo More


UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.


  • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, or Linux, or Mac OS X 10.5+. Note that resulting USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs).
  • Internet access for downloading a distro to install, or a pre-downloaded ISO file


UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive, or it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive. It loads distributions either by downloading a ISO (CD image) files for you, or by using an ISO file you've already downloaded.

The current version has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions, though installing other distributions is also supported:

UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:
» See List of Custom UNetbootin Versions and Plugins.
» See Using a UNetbootin Plugin.

Installation & Screenshots

  1. If using Windows, run the file, select an ISO file or a distribution to download, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done. If your USB drive doesn't show up, reformat it as FAT32.

  2. If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application, you will be prompted for your password to grant the application administrative rights, then the main dialog will appear, where you select a distribution and install target (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot when prompted.



  3. After rebooting, if you created a Live USB drive by selecting "USB Drive" as your install target, press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace) while your computer is starting up to get to your BIOS boot menu and select USB drive as the startup target; otherwise if there's no boot selection option, go to the BIOS setup menu and change the startup order to boot USB by default. Note that Live USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs). Otherwise, if you did a "frugal install" by selecting "Hard Disk" as your install target, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu as the system boots up.
» See Live USB Creation Guide.

Removal Instructions (Applicable only to Hard Disk / "frugal installs")

If using Windows, UNetbootin should prompt you to remove it the next time you boot into Windows. Alternatively, you can remove it via Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
If using Linux, re-run the UNetbootin executable (with root priveledges), and press OK when prompted to uninstall.
Removal is only required if you used the "Hard Drive" installation mode; to remove the bootloader from a USB drive, back up its contents and reformat it.
Uninstalling UNetbootin simply removes the UNetbootin entry from your boot menu; if you installed an operating system to a partition using UNetbootin, removing UNetbootin will not remove the OS.
To manually remove a Linux installation, you will have to restore the Windows bootloader using "fixmbr" from a recovery CD, and use Parted Magic to delete the Linux partition and expand the Windows partition.

Installing Other Distributions Using UNetbootin

Download and run UNetbootin, then select the "disk image" option and supply it with an ISO (CD image).

UNetbootin doesn't use distribution-specific rules for making your live USB drive, so most Linux ISO files should load correctly using this option. However, not all distributions support booting from USB, and some others require extra boot options or other modifications before they can boot from USB drives, so these ISO files will not work as-is. Also, ISO files for non-Linux operating systems have a different boot mechanism, so don't expect them to work either.

What translations are available, and how can I use them?

A number of translations are included in the latest UNetbootin release. See the Translations Page for the status of each.
If a translation corresponding to your system's native language has already been included into UNetbootin, it should automatically load the corresponding translation. Alternatively, you can force the language to use via the lang=es command-line option, where you substitute es with the the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language.
If you'd like to contribute a translation, please use Launchpad Translations. If you are new to Launchpad, you will first have to join the corresponding Ubuntu Translators group for the language you intend to translate. For information on using the Launchpad Translations system, see the translations help page.
» See UNetbootin Translations


How does UNetbootin work, and what does it do?
For the Live USB creation mode, UNetbootin downloads and extracts an ISO file to your USB drive, generates an appropriate syslinux config file, and makes your USB drive bootable using syslinux.
For the Hard Disk / "frugal install" mode, UNetbootin uses a Windows or Linux-based installer to install a small modification to the bootloader (bootmgr and bcdedit on Vista, grldr and boot.ini for NT-based systems, grub.exe and config.sys for Win9x, or GRUB on Linux, uses the bootloader to boot the desired distribution's installer or to load the system utility, no CD required. After the distribution has been installed, or once done using the system utility, the modification to the bootloader is then undone.
» See USB Drive and Hard Disk Install Modes.
» See How UNetbootin Works.
Does it have any spyware, viruses, trojans, or other malware?
No; though some anti-virus products (Kaspersky) raise "Trojan.generic" warnings due to the auto-uninstall feature, these are false positives. Just make sure you obtain UNetbootin from the official downloads page on Sourceforge not some shady third-party source. If you're absolutely paranoid, you can check the source code and compile it yourself.

Certified by Softpedia.com Linux Format Hottest Pick Brothersoft Editor's Pick
What is it written in, where's the source code, and how can I compile it?
UNetbootin is written in C++, using the Qt4 toolkit. Source code is available from the source zip package, or from the git repository on Sourceforge, or the bzr repository on Launchpad. The Linux version is compiled using g++, while the Windows version is cross-compiled using mingw32. Both use a statically linked version of qt4 (to eliminate external library dependencies). Executables are compressed using UPX to reduce file size.
» See Compiling UNetbootin.
How can I get my distribution supported by UNetbootin?
First, try loading the ISO file via the diskimage option, and see if that works (because UNetbootin doesn't use distribution-specific rules for creating live USB drives, it should be able to load most Linux ISOs as-is). If the resulting live USB doesn't boot correctly, check your distribution's documentation, and verify that it indeed can be booted from a standard (FAT32-formatted) USB drive. Also ensure that it doesn't need any extra boot options or other modifications to boot from a USB drive. If both of these are correct, you may have found a bug, so file a bug report.
If your distribution's ISO file can already be loaded correctly via the diskimage option, and are trying to get it added to the list of distributions which UNetbootin can download for you, file a bug report and provide a link to the latest release.
How can I create specialized, rebranded, distro-specific releases?
UNetbootin can easily be rebranded and adapted to a specific distribution using either a plugin system, or a series of #define statements, as seen in the unetbootin.h file within the source code. If you are attempting to build a distro-specific version and need additional instructions and details, would like to have your patches merged upstream, or would like to have your custom version added to this list, please file a bug report.
» See UNetbootin Command Line Options.
» See Building a UNetbootin Plugin.
» See Using a UNetbootin Plugin.
» See Building a Custom UNetbootin Version.
» See List of Custom UNetbootin Versions and Plugins.
How can I automate the use of UNetbootin from a script?
» See UNetbootin Command Line Options.
Where can I report bugs, request new features, get help, etc?
If you encounter errors with UNetbootin itself, first try using the version available on this website if you obtained it from a different source (your version may be outdated). If the problem still persists, take note of the version of UNetbootin you're using (it's in the filename if you downloaded it from here), the ISO file you're installing or the distribution you're letting UNetbootin download for you, and the OS you're on (like "Windows 7, 64-bit" or "Ubuntu 10.04, 32-bit"), and ask a question or file a bug report, mentioning the above details. You can also see the Ubuntu Forums (the LiveUSB installation thread or Hard disk installation thread depending on your install mode), or the forum on Boot Land, but only Launchpad (bugs and answers), not the forums, are monitored by developers. However, if it's a distribution or hardware-specific issue, file a bug report against the distribution itself.

License and Credits

UNetbootin was created and written by Arpad and Geza Kovacs (tuxcantfly), contact info. Translators are listed on the translations page. UNetbootin is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or above. Site materials, documentation, screenshots, and logos are licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0.
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